The first Hinojos family reunion will occur on July 14, 2012. This reunion is for all Macario and Severiana Hinojos family and descendents.
When: Saturday, July 14, 11:00am-11:00pm
Where : Woodson Park Community Building and Aquatic Center
1020 E Murphy Street, Odessa, Texas
When: Saturday, July 14, 11:00am-11:00pm
Where : Woodson Park Community Building and Aquatic Center
1020 E Murphy Street, Odessa, Texas
Esta página es para que Uds. puedan discutir sobre la reunión. Pueden preguntar cualquier cosa, otorgar respuestas, o hacer comentarios. Esperamos que les facilite hallar donde hospedarse, saber que traer, encontrar primos, et cetera. Usen esta página en cualquier forma que necesiten. La página intenta facilitar comunicaciones entre los participantes de la reunión.
This Reunion Discussion Page is for all of you to discuss the reunion. You may ask questions, give answers, or make comments. This can help arrange for places to stay, ask what to bring, find cousins, et cetera. Use it in whatever way you need and want. The purpose of this page is to facilitate communication among participants.
This Reunion Discussion Page is for all of you to discuss the reunion. You may ask questions, give answers, or make comments. This can help arrange for places to stay, ask what to bring, find cousins, et cetera. Use it in whatever way you need and want. The purpose of this page is to facilitate communication among participants.