Atilano II Quiroz Molinar
Atilano Quiroz Molinar Jr.
from Aguascalientes born 02 Nov 1902 died 05 Oct 1948 buried in Carlsbad, NM [US Census 1930 link] |
Maria Ludica (Frescas) Jaime ?
Mariana Frescas Dominguez ? |
"my grandparents Atilano II, Mariana Frescas Dominguez Molinar
and my mother (the older one) my aunt Margarita, and Uncle Adam Molinar"
Jorge Jaime de Molinar 12/28/22, 9:06 PM
and my mother (the older one) my aunt Margarita, and Uncle Adam Molinar"
Jorge Jaime de Molinar 12/28/22, 9:06 PM
Research Notes:
The numbers 1 through 6 indicate areas of research needed to be done. If you have information about these send by text to 404-797-4253. Thanks.
The numbers 1 through 6 indicate areas of research needed to be done. If you have information about these send by text to 404-797-4253. Thanks.
"My mothers birth home, Shafter Texas Maria Molinar." Jorge Jaime de Molinar
Photo provided by Jorge Jaime Molinar
Photo provided by Jorge Jaime Molinar
Baeza Roots for Atilano Quroz Molinar family in Murcia Spain
Click on the thumbnail to the right to view the ascendancy from the Atilano II Quiroz Molinar family to their Baeza ancestors who lived in Murcia Spain in the 1600s and early 1700s.
Murcia is about 500 miles from Gordejuela, Viscaya, Spain where their Molinar ancestors lived in the 1400s and 1500s. |
This page created December 30, 2022
with input from Jorge Jaime de Molinar.
with input from Jorge Jaime de Molinar.