The Inquisition
The Spanish Inquisition
1478 November: under the influence of clergyman Tomas de Torquemada, the monarchs created the Tribunal of Castile to investigate heresy among Conversos. The effort focused on stronger Catholic education for Conversos, but by 1480, the Inquisition was formed.
Some writers say the Spanish Inquisition started in 1570, some say 1571.
Some writers say the Spanish Inquisition started in 1570, some say 1571.
A brief history of the Spanish Inquisition will be placed here. Need to explain the time difference between 1478 and 1570. What happened with the Ingquisition in those years?
Spanish Inquisition in Northern New Spain
BBC News: Secret Mexican diary sheds light on Spanish Inquisition By Natasha Pizzey Mexico City
Published 3 June 2017
Published 3 June 2017
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant. |
The Spanish Inquisition Legal Proceedings
Links to the Spanish Inquisition records on line will be placed here.
Research Notes: The Spanish Inquisition of Francos
The pages below are from the book where it tells the story of Ca Franco and his twenty year old son Yucé and their persecution by the inquisition based on the accusations of another Converso, Benito García, who claimed to have seen Jewish rites at the Ca home.
Isabella of Spain, by William Thomas Walsh published in 1935 in London by Sheed and Ward
Search for "Franco" in Isabella of Spain gave these results: Results : Franco
Isabella of Spain, by William Thomas Walsh published in 1935 in London by Sheed and Ward
Search for "Franco" in Isabella of Spain gave these results: Results : Franco
- Page 446...bread for the Passover, of Alonso Franco, a shepherd, one of the four bro thers. Alonso asked why it was...
- Page 449...And know that your father, Don Ca Franco, is here." He could not be!" Benito said he had seen him,...
- Page 452...from La Guardia to Dosbarrios. Alonso Franco, one of the Christians" of La Guardia, showed them the heart of a...
- Page 453...he did not know. But Alonso Franco said that he and some of his brothers had crucified a Christian boy...
- Page 453...thorns from a gorse bush. Alonso Franco opened the veins of both his arms and let him bleed for half...
- Page 453...Ocana crowned him with thorns. Juan Franco opened the little victim's side with a knife. Garcia Franco, the fourth brother,...
- Page 453...Garcia and Juan Franco took the small corpse from the ISABELLAOFSPAIN 453...
- Page 454...the confession of the said Don Ca Franco, Jew." The dossier of Ca, containing his full confession, has not yet...
- Page 455...the Notary Juan de Leon. Juan Franco admitted having cut out the child's heart....
- Page 455...was applied to Benito, to Juan Franco, and to Juan de Ocana, separately. All confessed, and Jieir confessions agreed with...
- Page 455...Yuce and his father and Juan Franco were confronted on the seven teenth, with similar results. They said it was...
- Page 456...for Yucé had said that Alonso Franco had obtained the boy. But as Sabatini has suggested, it is possible that...
- Page 458...chief witnesses against him were Juan Franco, Benito, and Juan de Ocana, and he demanded that their testimony be excluded...
- Page 459...enemies individually, Yucé said that Juan Franco's was vague and general, and did not state anything specific that Yucé had...
- Page 460...propounded to him. Where had Juan Franco obtained the boy? In Toledo, Juan had told him so before the others,...
- Page 461...they had given to Benito? Alonso Franco said he had got it from the Church in La Guardia. Yucé didn't...
- Page 461... Alonso Franco had got it in the Church of Romeral, from the sexton or sacristan....
- Page 462...except that Garcia Franco and Juan Franco together had brought the boy to the cave, one remaining with him at...
- Page 462...That same day Juan Franco was placed on the escalera....
- Page 464... Juan Franco was then brought in, and in the presence of the others he admitted...
- Page were two other Conversos, Juan Franco and Juan de Ocaña. These three, therefore, were strangled before they were burned....
- Page 466...where according to Yuce's confession, Alonso Franco had obtained the second Host. Why Villada put off interviewing this witness until...
- Page 466...monument on the spot where Juan Franco had pointed out the grave of the boy, and not to allow anyone...
- Page 639...Franco, Alonso, 456...
The story of the persecution of Ca Franco, his son Yucé, of Tembleque [ note: Tembleque is 20 miles south of Ocaño, and 60 miles south of Madrid.] and cousins will be told here with links to the online version of the book "Isabella" published in London 1 in 1910 by an English researcher where this story is told based on actual documents of the time.
Ca Franco and his twenty year old son Yucé lived in Tembleque Spain. Tembleque is about 60 miles almost directly south of the city of Madrid.
July 1, 1490 Ca and Yucé were arrested because of a confession the converso, Benito García, had made in June after being tortured. In his confession on June 6,1490 Benito said he had observed certain Jewish rites in the house of Ca and Yucé.
Note that Benito García was a crypto Jew himself. A crypto Jew or secret Jew is a Jew that had converted due to the pressure from the Catholic Church and the state but secretly remain faithful to his Jewish beliefs and secretly followed Jewish rites and liturgy. The Inquisition called crypto Jews "Marranos" as a term of ridicule. "Marrano (n.) also Marano, "a Jew or Moor in Spain who, to avoid persecution, publicly professed conversion to Christianity while privately continuing in the practices and beliefs of their old religion," 1580s, from Spanish, probably literally "pig, swine," an expression of contempt, from Arabic muharram "forbidden thing" (eating of pork is forbidden by Muslim and Jewish religious law), from haruma "was forbidden" (see harem)." from the
The Jewish name for Crypto Jews was "anusim" or "anussim." Benito said another crypto Jew, Juan de Ocaña had urged him back into Judaism. Note that "de Ocaña" while used in the way we use surnames may be more of a description since the town of Ocaña is only about 20 miles directly north of Tembleque. So a man named Juan who is from Ocaña is called Juan de Ocaña. That is how many surnames got created. P
The idea of family names or surnames is a complex one among the Jews. The Iberian Jews or Sephardic Jews had taken on family names on being converted to Catholicism, but the way they chose names is an interesting story in itself. More on that later. We merely note that that may explain JUan de OPcaña's name. Additionally, if they secretly remained Jewish after conversion, they often had their own Jewish name which they used at home in addition to the Christian name that they used in public. Sometimes, in order not to be easily found by the Inquisition, they deliberately had multiple names to confuse the Inquisition. There is an interesting debate among scholars as to what exactly is the truth about Marrano names. Here is a link to a document on Portuguese and Brazilian Marrano names "THE MYTH OF THE MARRANO NAMES" by Anita Novinsky.
July 1, 1490 Ca and Yucé were arrested because of a confession the converso, Benito García, had made in June after being tortured. In his confession on June 6,1490 Benito said he had observed certain Jewish rites in the house of Ca and Yucé.
Note that Benito García was a crypto Jew himself. A crypto Jew or secret Jew is a Jew that had converted due to the pressure from the Catholic Church and the state but secretly remain faithful to his Jewish beliefs and secretly followed Jewish rites and liturgy. The Inquisition called crypto Jews "Marranos" as a term of ridicule. "Marrano (n.) also Marano, "a Jew or Moor in Spain who, to avoid persecution, publicly professed conversion to Christianity while privately continuing in the practices and beliefs of their old religion," 1580s, from Spanish, probably literally "pig, swine," an expression of contempt, from Arabic muharram "forbidden thing" (eating of pork is forbidden by Muslim and Jewish religious law), from haruma "was forbidden" (see harem)." from the
The Jewish name for Crypto Jews was "anusim" or "anussim." Benito said another crypto Jew, Juan de Ocaña had urged him back into Judaism. Note that "de Ocaña" while used in the way we use surnames may be more of a description since the town of Ocaña is only about 20 miles directly north of Tembleque. So a man named Juan who is from Ocaña is called Juan de Ocaña. That is how many surnames got created. P
The idea of family names or surnames is a complex one among the Jews. The Iberian Jews or Sephardic Jews had taken on family names on being converted to Catholicism, but the way they chose names is an interesting story in itself. More on that later. We merely note that that may explain JUan de OPcaña's name. Additionally, if they secretly remained Jewish after conversion, they often had their own Jewish name which they used at home in addition to the Christian name that they used in public. Sometimes, in order not to be easily found by the Inquisition, they deliberately had multiple names to confuse the Inquisition. There is an interesting debate among scholars as to what exactly is the truth about Marrano names. Here is a link to a document on Portuguese and Brazilian Marrano names "THE MYTH OF THE MARRANO NAMES" by Anita Novinsky.
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The Portuguese Inquisition
The Portuguese Inquisition (Inquisição) Legal Proceedings (Processos )
Summary of Processos for the crime of being Jewish there are 5163 pages each with 5 processo summaries with links to their details |
Research Notes: The Portuguese Inquisition of Francos, Nuñez
08/16/1629 - 02/04/1634
Processo de Manuel Garcia Franco
[Inquisition Legal proceedings of Manuel Garcia Franco]
Description level: File Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IL/028/00443 Title type: Formal
Date range: 1629-08-16 to 1634-04-02
Scope and content
Estatuto social: cristão-novo [social state: New Christian (used to designate Christians converted from Judaism)]
Idade: 42 anos [age: 42 years old]
Crime/Acusação: judaísmo [charge: Judaism]
Cargos, funções, actividades: tratante, negociante
Naturalidade: Lisboa [Born in: Lisbon]
Morada: Lisboa [residence: Lisbon]
Pai [father]: Francisco Lopes Franco
Mãe [mother]: Guiomar da Maia
Estado civil: solteiro [single]
Sentença: 02/04/1634. Ir ao auto-da-fé, abjuração de leve, cárcere a arbítrio, penitências espirituais.
Physical location: Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Lisboa, proc. 443
Creation date 09/17/2008 00:00:00
Last modification 06/06/2013 15:10:12
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Processo de Manuel Garcia Franco
[Inquisition Legal proceedings of Manuel Garcia Franco]
Description level: File Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IL/028/00443 Title type: Formal
Date range: 1629-08-16 to 1634-04-02
Scope and content
Estatuto social: cristão-novo [social state: New Christian (used to designate Christians converted from Judaism)]
Idade: 42 anos [age: 42 years old]
Crime/Acusação: judaísmo [charge: Judaism]
Cargos, funções, actividades: tratante, negociante
Naturalidade: Lisboa [Born in: Lisbon]
Morada: Lisboa [residence: Lisbon]
Pai [father]: Francisco Lopes Franco
Mãe [mother]: Guiomar da Maia
Estado civil: solteiro [single]
Sentença: 02/04/1634. Ir ao auto-da-fé, abjuração de leve, cárcere a arbítrio, penitências espirituais.
Physical location: Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Lisboa, proc. 443
Creation date 09/17/2008 00:00:00
Last modification 06/06/2013 15:10:12
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Processo de António Franco
Description level: File; Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IC/025/00435; Title type: Formal;
Date range: 1630-04-13 to 1631-09-10 Dimension and support: 111 f.; papel
Scope and content
Estatuto social: cristão-novo
Idade: 70 anos: Crime/Acusação: judaísmo
Cargos, funções, actividades: almoxarife
Naturalidade: Aveiro, bispado de Coimbra
Morada: Aveiro, bispado de Coimbra
Pai: Manuel Franco
Mãe: Branca Tomás
Estado civil: viúvo
Cônjuge: Maria Barbosa de Carvalho, cristã-velha
Data da prisão: 13/04/1630
Sentença: auto-de-fé de 17/08/1631. Abjuração em forma, cárcere e hábito penitencial perpétuo, instrução na fé, penas e penitências espirituais.
Em 10/09/1631, o réu confessou mais culpas.
Physical location
Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Coimbra, proc. 435
Creation date
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last modification
7/8/2013 12:13:25 PM
This record is found at
Description level: File; Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IC/025/00435; Title type: Formal;
Date range: 1630-04-13 to 1631-09-10 Dimension and support: 111 f.; papel
Scope and content
Estatuto social: cristão-novo
Idade: 70 anos: Crime/Acusação: judaísmo
Cargos, funções, actividades: almoxarife
Naturalidade: Aveiro, bispado de Coimbra
Morada: Aveiro, bispado de Coimbra
Pai: Manuel Franco
Mãe: Branca Tomás
Estado civil: viúvo
Cônjuge: Maria Barbosa de Carvalho, cristã-velha
Data da prisão: 13/04/1630
Sentença: auto-de-fé de 17/08/1631. Abjuração em forma, cárcere e hábito penitencial perpétuo, instrução na fé, penas e penitências espirituais.
Em 10/09/1631, o réu confessou mais culpas.
Physical location
Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Coimbra, proc. 435
Creation date
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last modification
7/8/2013 12:13:25 PM
This record is found at
Processo de Manuel Franco
Description level: File; Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IC/025/03979; Title type: Formal
Date range: 1629-09-26 to 1636-06-09
Scope and content
Estatuto Social: Parte de Cristão-Novo
Crime/Acusação: Judaísmo
Naturalidade: Leiria
Situação Geográfica (Naturalidade): Bispado de Leiria
Morada: Mortágua
Situação Geográfica (Morada): Bispado de Coimbra
Pai: Pedro Dias Monteiro
Mãe: Catarina Rodrigues
Estado Civil: Casado
Nome do Cônjuge: Antónia de Abreu
Data da Prisão: 26/09/1629
Data da Sentença: 08/06/1636
Data do Auto de Fé: 08/06/1636
Physical location: Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Coimbra, proc. 3979
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Este registo foi migrado de uma base de dados Oracle, disponibilizada ao público em Setembro de 1995 no Serviço de referência do IAN/TT. Estão previstas acções de controle de registos duplicados, bem como de adequação das informações constantes em alguns campos às normas e orientações de descrição arquivística.
Creation date
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last modification
4/29/2011 9:48:32 PM
This record is found at
Description level: File; Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IC/025/03979; Title type: Formal
Date range: 1629-09-26 to 1636-06-09
Scope and content
Estatuto Social: Parte de Cristão-Novo
Crime/Acusação: Judaísmo
Naturalidade: Leiria
Situação Geográfica (Naturalidade): Bispado de Leiria
Morada: Mortágua
Situação Geográfica (Morada): Bispado de Coimbra
Pai: Pedro Dias Monteiro
Mãe: Catarina Rodrigues
Estado Civil: Casado
Nome do Cônjuge: Antónia de Abreu
Data da Prisão: 26/09/1629
Data da Sentença: 08/06/1636
Data do Auto de Fé: 08/06/1636
Physical location: Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Coimbra, proc. 3979
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Este registo foi migrado de uma base de dados Oracle, disponibilizada ao público em Setembro de 1995 no Serviço de referência do IAN/TT. Estão previstas acções de controle de registos duplicados, bem como de adequação das informações constantes em alguns campos às normas e orientações de descrição arquivística.
Creation date
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last modification
4/29/2011 9:48:32 PM
This record is found at
Processo de Francisco Nunes
Description level: File; Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IC/025/05019; Title type: Formal
Date range: 1598-04-12 to 1598-06-10
Scope and content
Estatuto Social: Cristão-Novo
Crime/Acusação: Judaísmo; Heresia; Apostasia
Estatuto Profissional: Rendeiro
Naturalidade: Viseu
Situação Geográfica (Naturalidade): Bispado de Viseu
Morada: Tourais
Situação Geográfica (Morada): Bispado de Coimbra
Pai: Manuel Fernandes
Mãe: Branca Nunes
Estado Civil: Casado
Nome do Cônjuge: Grácia Franco
Data da Prisão: 19/08/1597
Data da Sentença: 12/04/1598
Data do Auto de Fé: 12/04/1598
Physical location: Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Coimbra, proc. 5019
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Este registo foi migrado de uma base de dados Oracle, disponibilizada ao público em Setembro de 1995 no Serviço de referência do IAN/TT. Estão previstas acções de controle de registos duplicados, bem como de adequação das informações constantes em alguns campos às normas e orientações de descrição arquivística.
Creation date
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last modification
4/29/2011 9:48:32 PM
Description level: File; Reference code: PT/TT/TSO-IC/025/05019; Title type: Formal
Date range: 1598-04-12 to 1598-06-10
Scope and content
Estatuto Social: Cristão-Novo
Crime/Acusação: Judaísmo; Heresia; Apostasia
Estatuto Profissional: Rendeiro
Naturalidade: Viseu
Situação Geográfica (Naturalidade): Bispado de Viseu
Morada: Tourais
Situação Geográfica (Morada): Bispado de Coimbra
Pai: Manuel Fernandes
Mãe: Branca Nunes
Estado Civil: Casado
Nome do Cônjuge: Grácia Franco
Data da Prisão: 19/08/1597
Data da Sentença: 12/04/1598
Data do Auto de Fé: 12/04/1598
Physical location: Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Inquisição de Coimbra, proc. 5019
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Este registo foi migrado de uma base de dados Oracle, disponibilizada ao público em Setembro de 1995 no Serviço de referência do IAN/TT. Estão previstas acções de controle de registos duplicados, bem como de adequação das informações constantes em alguns campos às normas e orientações de descrição arquivística.
Creation date
9/17/2008 12:00:00 AM
Last modification
4/29/2011 9:48:32 PM
Need to add links to this summary record in archives and also links from summaries above to the actual original documents.
Auto-da-fe (Portuguese), auto de fé (Spanish):
the public declaration of the judgment passed on persons tried in the Inquisition courts of Mexico, Portugal, or Spain, followed by the execution by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed, especially the burning of condemned heretics at the stake.
the public declaration of the judgment passed on persons tried in the Inquisition courts of Mexico, Portugal, or Spain, followed by the execution by the civil authorities of the sentences imposed, especially the burning of condemned heretics at the stake.
Idade (Portuguese), edad (Spanish): age
Mãe (Portuguese), madre (Spanish): mother
Pai (Portuguese) padre (Spanish): father
Pesquisa (Portuguese), investigación (Spanish): research
Processo (Portuguese) Investigación (Spanish): legal Proceedings of the Inquisition.
Need to add the information on the New Spain Inquisition and the Mexcan Inquisition. Bring videos in from Sephardic Jews page as necessary.
This page is still under development and not even a preliminary version is yet ready.
This page has been under construction for a few years. It does not yet contain all the information we intend to include here, but we thought it might still be useful. Pardon our dust while we work on it. Some links may not work. Some information may change pages. If you find broken links or have additional information to contribute email them to [email protected].
This page has been under construction for a few years. It does not yet contain all the information we intend to include here, but we thought it might still be useful. Pardon our dust while we work on it. Some links may not work. Some information may change pages. If you find broken links or have additional information to contribute email them to [email protected].