Bernardino Gambóa
Born 1855 in Mexico |
Gomacinda Hinojos
They had nine children:
1. Cornelia Gambóa
married Dionisio Salas; they had ten children. |
3. Salomé Gambóa
4. Adelaida Gambóa
5. Guadalupe Gambóa
6. Juan Gambóa
7. Julián Gambóa
8. Eufracia Gambóa
9. Rodriga Gambóa
Link to this record in FamilySearch
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This is the 1880 US Census for Pecos County. Note that Reeves County had not yet been created. It was created from Pecos County three years later in 1883.
Since Romaldo and Severiano Chavarría lived in Fort Stockton at the time and they are listed in the same district just three pages later, it would seem that Bernardino Gambóa lived in Fort Stockton in 1880. |
The information for this page came from Bob Wirt's site Life Before the Ruins, and research by Sulema “Sue” Gambóa Carrasco and Antonio S Franco.
This page was last updated with minor cosmetic changes on March 20, 2020.