The Martins family of Portugal
Ascendancy from Antonio S. Franco to Manoel Martins
Antonio S. Franco → Manuel C. Franco his father → Valentina Franco (Chavarría) his mother →
Rita Leyva Ramirez her mother →
Luis Lugo Caballero Ramirez her father →
Dorotéa Ramírez (Lugo) his mother →
Mariana Lugo (Caballero) her mother →
Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz her mother →
Captain Juan Rodriguez de Montemayor her father →
Francisco Rodríguez de Montemayor his father →
Capitán Miguel Montemayor del Canto his father →
Capitán Alberto do Canto e Dias de Vieira his father →
Sebastiāo Martins do Canto his father → Maria Martins his mother → Manoel Martins her father
Rita Leyva Ramirez her mother →
Luis Lugo Caballero Ramirez her father →
Dorotéa Ramírez (Lugo) his mother →
Mariana Lugo (Caballero) her mother →
Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz her mother →
Captain Juan Rodriguez de Montemayor her father →
Francisco Rodríguez de Montemayor his father →
Capitán Miguel Montemayor del Canto his father →
Capitán Alberto do Canto e Dias de Vieira his father →
Sebastiāo Martins do Canto his father → Maria Martins his mother → Manoel Martins her father
Martins Family Tree version:19020-2923
Manoel Martins
born est. between 1405 and 1465 |
Their daughter: |
Ingracia Rosa Albino
born est. between 1405 and 1465 |
Maria Martins
Work to be done here:
Create a Manoel Martins Family Tree
Link to the Geni site for tree information
Check these inconsistencies:
7 inconsistencies found in this path
Manoel Martins is Antonio Santiago Franco's 8th great aunt's third great grandfather. Antonio Santiago Franco
Manuel C. Franco
your father
show 13 relatives →
Maria Martins
his mother
Manoel Martins
her father
Share this path
There is a data conflict associated with this profile that may correct this inconsistency.
Data Conflict
Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz had a birth date after her parent's (Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán) death date.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz (born December 16, 1730) or check the death date of Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán (died July 16, 1720).
Sebastiāo Martins do Canto has a marriage event listed in his profile after his death date.
Tip: Contact the manager for the profile of Sebastiāo Martins do Canto to review his death date and events.
There are data conflicts associated with this profile that may correct this inconsistency.
Data Conflict
Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz and her spouse Marcelino Caballero de Los Olivos are 49 years apart.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz (born December 16, 1730) or the birth date of Marcelino Caballero de Los Olivos (born 1680).
Data Conflict
Data Conflict
(1 ignored - show all)
Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán has an unrecognized suffix (English (default): Capitán).
Tip: Go to the profile of Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán and update the suffix.
Capitán Alberto do Canto e Dias de Vieira has an unrecognized suffix (English (default): Capitán).
Tip: Go to the profile of Capitán Alberto do Canto e Dias de Vieira and update the suffix.
Caudillo Diego de Ayala y Ovalle has an unrecognized title (English (default): Caudillo).
Tip: Go to the profile of Caudillo Diego de Ayala y Ovalle and update the title.
Create a Manoel Martins Family Tree
Link to the Geni site for tree information
Check these inconsistencies:
7 inconsistencies found in this path
Manoel Martins is Antonio Santiago Franco's 8th great aunt's third great grandfather. Antonio Santiago Franco
Manuel C. Franco
your father
show 13 relatives →
Maria Martins
his mother
Manoel Martins
her father
Share this path
There is a data conflict associated with this profile that may correct this inconsistency.
Data Conflict
Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz had a birth date after her parent's (Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán) death date.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz (born December 16, 1730) or check the death date of Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán (died July 16, 1720).
Sebastiāo Martins do Canto has a marriage event listed in his profile after his death date.
Tip: Contact the manager for the profile of Sebastiāo Martins do Canto to review his death date and events.
There are data conflicts associated with this profile that may correct this inconsistency.
Data Conflict
Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz and her spouse Marcelino Caballero de Los Olivos are 49 years apart.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Maria Ramona Rodriguez Ruiz (born December 16, 1730) or the birth date of Marcelino Caballero de Los Olivos (born 1680).
Data Conflict
Data Conflict
(1 ignored - show all)
Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán has an unrecognized suffix (English (default): Capitán).
Tip: Go to the profile of Juan Rodríguez de Montemayor Ayala, Capitán and update the suffix.
Capitán Alberto do Canto e Dias de Vieira has an unrecognized suffix (English (default): Capitán).
Tip: Go to the profile of Capitán Alberto do Canto e Dias de Vieira and update the suffix.
Caudillo Diego de Ayala y Ovalle has an unrecognized title (English (default): Caudillo).
Tip: Go to the profile of Caudillo Diego de Ayala y Ovalle and update the title.
This is a working page not yet finished.
This page was started May 2022
This page was started May 2022