Reunion Headquarters:
Sheraton Hotel Milpitas, CA Registration: Registration Fees for Friday and Saturday are as follows: $30 for Adults (over 18 years of age) $20 for Teens (ages 13-18) $12 for Kids (ages 5-12) No charge if less than 5 years of age. Please Make Checks Payable to PCDL Family Reunion Mail Form/Checks To: Rachel Pena Gutierrez, 3554 Glasgow Court, San Jose, California 95127 We look forward to your attending the 3rd Biennial PCDL Family Reunion.
The PCDL reunions, based on family lore and documented research, honor our paternal great grandparents Martín LaRoche Peña and Manuela Prieto de Peña and our maternal great grandparents, Macedonio Lugo and Francisca Cano-Durán de Lugo. |
For more information,
contact [email protected] or Rachel Pena Gutierrez 408-254-8572. Please reply to the evite whether you have already registered or not, even if you do not plan to attend the reunion. We would just LOVE to hear from you and get to know you. Give us valuable feedback. Saludos, Besos y Abrazos, |
Reunion Activities Summary:
> Golf Tournament > Bienvenida - Welcome Reception > Program > Dance > Lake Cunningham Park Pavilion festivities > Despedida - Farewell |