This is where anyone can post comments to discuss the Baeza family. Who should be added to the Familias entries? Corrections? Additions? Stories about family members? Whatever you want to discuss about this Terlingua family discuss it here.
Bob Wirt
10/23/2009 11:40:11 am
[This was origninally posted to "First Post" on Fri, 02 Oct 2009 07:59:00]
Bob Wirt
10/24/2009 04:48:05 am
[This was originally posted on the "We're Back" post on Fri, 23 Oct 2009 15:37:44]
Louisa Madrid
1/15/2011 11:02:19 am
The children of Alberto Baeza
Glen Dutchover
4/4/2011 08:42:20 am
Antonio, I hear that my greatgrandmother's sister Petra Rios ran a boarding house for some of the soldiers from fort Leaton, in Lajitas.
hilda cosme
7/8/2017 10:04:54 pm
tia petra id is my dads cuz.
1/21/2013 09:20:29 am
I have linked my family to at least one family on this wonderful website. Who can I contact to share my information?
Antonio Santiago Franco
2/2/2014 04:25:33 am
O.E., you are my cousin. I would welcome your information to add to this site. Last year when you posted, Bob Wirt had just died. Literally the second day of this site's existence, Bob Wirt, who had been a friend of many years of my cousin Louisa Madrid, Bob started contributing info to this site. We became good friends. The next year he started Life Before the Ruins. I helped him as I could with his site including doing the graphics for it. When he died we were all devastated. I did not work on FdT for a long time. This is why I overlooked your posting for so long. Please excuse me.
hilda cosme
7/8/2017 10:10:54 pm
My dads nm wz also namd saniago(Santiago Alvarado Hinojos).😊
J Grimaldo
8/22/2013 08:25:24 am
Looking for any info on Candelario's Son Marcelo
1/5/2014 01:01:53 pm
Tio Marcelo passed away years before my Dad (Julian) died 2010 in Ft Stockton
Antonio Franco
1/5/2014 03:52:27 pm
Marinella, thank you for sharing your information. I am sure J Grimaldo appreciates it.
Erika Gomez
7/7/2020 02:58:44 pm
I have some information that I have found through research and some from stories my grandmother shared with me. Cadelario would be my great grandfather.
Antonio Franco
10/8/2020 03:42:27 pm
Erika, this is Antonio Franco. I am related to the Dominguez family on my mother's side. We may be related.
Erika Gomez
10/7/2021 04:53:52 pm
Antonio Franco, Candelario Baeza my great grand father was married to Albina Granado born November 7, 1902 in Jesus Nazareno Temple, Ojinaga. 10/11/2021 09:18:04 am
My grandfather is Manuel Baeza (son of of Candelario and Albina Granado) was born November 18, 1918 in Castolon. He died at his home in Fort Stockton January 12, 1994 . He married Maria Salgado and they had twelve children
4/26/2024 03:53:05 pm
Ola Prima!!!! Hey, I thought that Dad said Candelario was mine & your Great Great Grandfather. Is it just one or two greats? The Outlaw Of Big Bend right? 10/11/2021 09:25:32 am
Marcelo Baeza was born July 24, 1913 in Castolon and died in Iraan, Texas July 21, 1984.
J Grimaldo
1/5/2014 11:55:40 pm
Thank you. My Mother In Law is Marcelo's Daughter.
Antonio Franco
2/2/2014 04:32:10 am
J Grimaldo, thank you for letting us know about your mother-in-law. What was here name?
j Grimaldo
2/3/2014 11:59:42 pm
Looks like Candelario's son was named Marcelo as mother in law is grandaughter to Candelario and daughter to Marcelo. 2/1/2014 12:35:56 pm
I am the daughter of the late Luciana Garcia and florentino Garcia,my grand mother was None Dodson Baiza,my Great grandmother,was Luciana Ramirez,I live in Houston TX.
freddie terrazas
4/17/2015 06:58:41 am
my father and mother spoke of None La Cherkee I am writing abou Candelario B.
hilda hernandez hinojos
7/8/2017 09:52:50 pm
Canderlario Baeza is my grt grndfathrs dad(Marcelo Baeza his only child acord n 2 th intrnt.
hilda hernandez hinojos
7/8/2017 09:53:06 pm
Canderlario Baeza is my grt grndfathrs dad(Marcelo Baeza his only child acord n 2 th intrnt.
Monica Molinar
6/11/2017 06:11:24 pm
I think my husband, Ruben Molinar, is part of this same family.
hilda cosme(hilda h. hinojos)
7/8/2017 09:57:48 pm
i am ruben 1st cz n.
hilda cosme
7/8/2017 09:43:08 pm
Luciana is also my great grandmother. my maiden nam is Hilda Hernandez Hinojos. my mothers maiden nam wz Sofia Hernandez, my grand mother(Theresa Baeza).
hilda cosme(hilda hernandez hinojos)
7/9/2017 03:22:22 pm
My great great grandmother was also Nona Dodson. My great grandmother was Luchiana Ramirez, and my grandmother....Terersa Baeza. Im 59 yrs old, and I live in Odessa, Tx.
hilda cosme to Carmen
7/9/2017 04:54:52 pm
How old are you? Carmen.
Yonila baesa
7/13/2022 07:22:04 pm
I never met My Granny but she was none Dodson baesa married to adalfo baesa
2/1/2014 04:32:19 pm
2/2/2014 04:13:12 am
O.E. thank you for posting on Familias de Terlingua. We would be happy to post any information on Luciana's brothers including the one you descend from. On our page for Luis Ramírez (father of Luciana) we have the following brothers for Luciana: first born Eduardo; second born Bernabe; 3rd born Luciana; 6th born Juan Climaco; and 11th born Eduardo.
Antonio Santiago Franco
2/2/2014 04:14:23 am
By the way, the information on Luciana's siblings is at
Antonio Santiago Franco
2/2/2014 04:21:05 am
Louisa Franco Madrid and I started this Web site at the end of the summer in 2009. For both Louisa and myself our one of our great grandmothers is Rita Ramírez Chavarría who is the 8th born of Luciana's siblings. So Louisa and I are cousins of both you, Carmen Garcia and O.E.
2/9/2014 04:00:23 am
Yes my name is Carmen Pablo Ramirez Baeza was married to my grandmother Nona Dodson Baeza, Daughter Luciana Baeza Garcia is my mother,was married to my dad Florentino Acosta Garcia.
Gilbert E. S. Valenzuela
5/8/2014 11:19:45 am
Hello everyone, My name is Gilbert. My Grandfather was Pedro Ornelas Valenzuela. I believe tea was Feliz' older brother married to Paz. My dad was Lorenzo,his brother was Francisco(Keko or Chico by some) their sisters were; Maria(oldest),Hipolita(Miss Pola,the middle sister), & the youngest was Esparanza(Hope). It's a funny thing that I'm living in Alpine and am presently running for Justice of the Peace in the May 27,2014 election. Hopefully I'll win to go on to the General election in November. Please notify all of your Alpine relatives to get out and vote….Thank you and send me stories of my family.
ruth nilda olivas
5/13/2014 02:10:09 pm
My great granny was concepsion baeza mother of natavidad morales. Who was the mother of hilda uranga morales who has four other brother n sister i really want to know all my family plz let me know how to contact yall
celeste cervantes
9/25/2014 11:35:14 am
Hi ruth.
Yadira Tagle
2/5/2020 04:02:12 pm
My great grandmother was Concepsion Baeza mother of my grandmother Natavidad Morales whom married Librado Uranga.
lionela baesa
9/27/2014 04:19:07 pm
Liz Mariquez
5/11/2017 01:05:20 am
Nellie trying to track you down, you lived with us in Odessa
John Grimaldo
12/16/2014 02:34:50 am
Im sorry to inform you all..but its with great sadness i announce to you all that my mother in Law Gloria Baeza Quintella passed away last night in a hospital in Denton, TX. She is Survived by her husband Joel Quintella, Daughters Sylvia, Sandra, Sonia and Joella.
hilda cosme
7/9/2017 04:33:43 pm
Im sory John about your mother in law, all my great aunts and uncles from the Baezas side, strangely disapeared. My mother nor my grandmother ever mentioned them. I never new I had any great aunts, uncles, and cousins! Until recently, when my daughter(Monica). Started a 'Baeza Family Tree', then I paniked, felt like I lost myself, and I thought ," who am I? I worked hard to find everyone(in the phone book( I even called people), I Iooked in the internet, until I found this accidentally. yesterday.
Ismael Dominguez
9/6/2023 12:15:47 pm
hi Hilda im Ismael Dominguez my great grandmother was Victoria Baeza
hilda cosme
7/8/2017 10:54:40 pm
luk up....terlingua famalies marcelo baeza.
Elizabeth Baeza Marquez
2/28/2018 06:11:55 pm
I am the great granddaughter of Patricio and Herlinda Olivas
Vee Jacques
3/4/2018 03:23:42 am
My family tree starts with the following:
Brenda Dominguez
3/8/2018 12:05:12 am
Hello, My name is Brenda Dominguez and my great grandmother is Braulia Baeza and she married Felicitos Dominguez. Are there any Dominguez folks out there?
Ismael Dominguez
2/8/2021 01:13:21 pm
Hi Brenda I'm Dominguez too
Julian S. Baiza, Jr.
2/18/2019 03:03:29 pm
Julian Baiza, Sr. and Josefa Baiza had four children. Armando Baiza was adapted and also Yolanda. They were both grand children of Julian and Josefa Baiza.
Vee Jacques
2/18/2019 07:30:25 pm
Anyone part of the Eloisa Dominguez Baeza and Manuel Alvarado Ramos family would love to see any photo or even further Eugenio Rivas Baeza and Rosa Dominguez family again any photo or infor greatly appreciaated,.......3 Great Grandfather is offspring of this group.
vee jacques
2/20/2019 05:01:44 am
Is this still active???
Antonio S. Franco
6/17/2021 11:23:41 am
vee jacques, the Baeza Family Discussion (blog) is still "active." However, I cannot keep up with it all since I started doing research as well as updating the website. So it may take a long time for me to answer you, but others, who probably know more than I do, might anser you before that. I apologize, but I cannot keep up with it all. But I keep working on it.
vee jacques
8/2/2022 02:28:08 pm
There is a great big Jimenez family for Andres and Anastacio, I have not through DNA come to be connected to the Andres Jimenez family through Anastacio and Diega Lujan, he was married but he fathered children with Diega Lujan my great-great DNA show that I have relatives with one of his sisters family and there can be no other used to be a family story but DNA changed that so his family extends to include all of us from Diega Lujan....they are all from that area....other family connections for me are the Ramos family, they too are in my tree.....wonder what I could add...if at all possible to your pages.
Yosbely Ramirez Campos
9/7/2019 08:03:39 pm
Brenda Dominguez Yes my grandmother is also named Braulia Baeza Dominguez. She is the daughter of Juan Baeza and I found this thread looking up his brother Candelario.
Brenda Dominguez
2/5/2020 04:06:50 pm
Yosbely Ramirez Campos, who is your mother or father that has lineage to Braulia?
Yosbely Ramirez Campos
2/5/2020 04:30:53 pm
My father is Jose Regino Ramirez Baeza. His mother is Braulia Baeza Dominguez. Her parents were Juan Baeza and Paula Dominguez.
Brenda Dominguez
2/18/2020 05:38:14 pm
Yosbely, my great grandmother was Braulia Baeza Dominguez and she was Juan Baeza's sister. Braulia married Felicitos Dominguez, I wonder if Paula Dominguez was related to Felicitos?
Ismael Dominguez
2/8/2021 01:08:27 pm
Yes Brenda, Paula Dominguez and Felicito Dominguez are related Felicitos was Paula's Uncle brother of Policarpio Paula's father
3/14/2021 07:47:50 pm
I've been looking into the history of Dominguez Spring in Big Bend National Park. There are ruins of a house, a dam and a corral. From what I've turned up, Braulia and Felicitos Dominguez ranched there!
Brenda Dominguez
3/14/2021 10:33:05 pm
Hi Holly!
Brenda Dominguez
10/14/2019 05:43:38 pm
Erika Nikole (Celaya/Baeza) Gomez
7/7/2020 03:11:44 pm
I am the g. g. grandaughter of Marcelo Baeza and Luciana Ramirez
Emma Bernard
10/8/2020 09:15:26 am
Paula Dominguez was daughter to Felix Dominguez, son of Policarpio Dominguez and Ignacia Campos Rey. Ignacia was sister to Jesus Campos Rey and Cruz Campos Rey, my grandfather.
Antonio S. Franco
10/13/2020 03:13:23 pm
Emma, thank you so much for your information on Ignacia Campos Rey and her siblings. I have started adding your information to FdT and am researching more based on what you supplied.
Ismael Dominguez
2/10/2021 06:39:40 am
Felix had a sister named Paula but he didn't have a daughter named Paula
Antonio Santiago Franco
10/17/2020 07:04:33 pm
Emma we found the marriage record for Policarpio Dominguez and Ignacia Rey. You can see it at the Policarpio Dominguez page at Without your comment this would not have happened. Thank you for adding to Familias de Terlingua.
Emma Bernard
10/21/2020 04:07:32 pm
Policarpio Dominguez and Ignacia Campos Dominguez had a Paula
Ismael Dominguez
2/12/2021 03:44:06 pm
Hi Emma I would like to know if you are part of my family My great grandfather was Felix Dominguez Rey
Ismael Dominguez
2/14/2021 09:11:17 am
Ignacia's parents were Ladislao Rey and Maria Trinidad Campos I knew she had two brothers Jesus Rey and Cruz Rey I didn't know she had another brother Miguel.
2/18/2021 02:43:18 pm
I didn't know that
Ismael Dominguez
2/20/2021 08:05:20 am
Hi Emma I would like to have a way to contact you so we can talk about are family...also I want to tell you that I found out that we are related to the Creel Terrazas family
Ismael Dominguez
2/8/2021 12:57:17 pm
Hi Emma I'm Ismael Dominguez
2/11/2021 08:58:22 pm
Ismael, thank you so very much for all the information you provided on this wonderful website. I have always wanted to research my family and I find it very exciting! I wish I had met Ignacia and her family.
Brenda Dominguez
2/12/2021 06:34:52 pm
Hi Ismeal! 2/13/2021 08:41:57 pm
Ismael, Your Great-Grandfather Felix was Ignacia Rey Dominguez' son. Ignacia had two brothers, Miguel and Cruz. Cruz Campos Rey is my maternal grandfather. Their parents were Ramon Campos and Refugio Terrazas, so I would say we are related! Do you know when or where Ignacia passed? I'm from Midland and I think some of their extended family lives here. Thanks again for your help! Stay safe 2/17/2021 05:43:18 pm
Ismael again I have to apologize. Ignacia's brothers were Jesus and Cruz. Miguel and Angel (??) were Refugio's sons, Ignacia's uncles. 2/20/2021 10:08:30 pm
Ismael you are definitely a descendant of the Terrazas'. Refugio had four brothers and nine sisters. Her father was Juan Jose Jose Chacon Terrazas and her mother was Maria Petra Varela Fuentes. Trinidad lived with her son Cruz first in the Terlingua area then in Imperial until she died in 1929. When asked why she didn't keep in touch with her family she would say she was poor and her family was very wealthy. Ismael my e-mail is [email protected]
Brenda Dominguez
2/12/2021 06:22:02 pm
2/13/2021 01:23:47 pm
Brenda Dominguez who's your father and where do you live???
Antonio Franco
2/13/2021 02:32:20 pm
I want to thank all of you who have posted on this blog. I apologize to those who posted long ago and had not received a reply. This job has grown too big for me to keep up. Luckily your information is here and I will (evetually) act on it.
Antonio Franco
2/21/2021 05:28:15 pm
I want to announce that thanks to Ismael's comments and those responding to him I have started adding the Dominguez family to Familias de Terlingua. I am posting y research notes so go look at the pages. I have done a lot of research in the last two weeks on the Baeza an Dominguez families. It takes me a longer time when I start a new family because I have to create all the places to store my research and others input so that the pages in Familias de Terlingua can get created. I was not surprised to find that Ismael and I are cousins but I was surprised to find the links that show how he and I are cousins on my mother's side and cousins on my father's side. I have started posting some information more is coming go to
Brenda Dominguez
3/4/2021 06:34:56 pm
Thank you for putting the time and effort in researching and documenting our lineage as it relates to us all! I have information and documentation re: the Dominguez landmarks inside Big Bend National Park. What is the best way to get that to you, Antonio?
Antonio S Franco
3/5/2021 06:38:13 am
Brenda, thank you for takining interest in FdT. I am looking forward to receiving your information and documentation at [email protected]
Brenda Dominguez
3/14/2021 10:25:03 pm
Hello! Yes I will scan the documents I received from Brewster County. Funny story, when I called to ask for copies of the deed, or any paperwork from 1915 re: the land my Great grandparents purchased, the clerk was very nice and did tell me "Oh, 1915, that's going to take days for us to look in the books and you will have to send us a check for the copies". They mailed my copies of the documents and a post it with the name for the check and I believe my total was $3.00! I gladly wrote that check!
vee jacques
8/2/2022 02:17:25 pm
Several people mentioned in this Baeza and Jimenez family are my ancestors....through DNA I have found that my Great Grandmother was daughter to a Jimenez as well as several of her brothers were his children....Would like to add to several records or may I submit information.....fb same name if phone is requested I could share that also...All these Jimenez fit perfectly into my ancestry and it was great to find since we just had the oral story but Ancestry DNA through me and Jimenez members has confirmed the connection.
8/22/2022 08:39:59 am
The name continues, I'm son to Pilar Baeza Dominguez & Beatriz Martinez Ramirez. Howdy primos y primas.I lived in Las Vegas now in Odessa. Born in Ft.Stockton 1964.
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