Hipólito Alvarado Hinojos
Hipólito "Polo" Alvarado Hinojos
born August 13, 1924 in Lajitas, Texas died in Odessa July 25, 1995 buried in the Lajitas Cemetery |
Guillerma Ramírez Chacón
daughter of Nicasio Chacón and Eleuteria Ramírez |
_ Hipólito Hinojos married Guillerma Chacón
They had nine children:
1. Silvia Hinojos
born January 26, 1953 in Brewster County |
2. Manuel Hinojos
born March 25, 1954 in Brewster County. |
3. José Luis Hinojos
born September 4, 1955 in Brewster County. |
4. Oscar C. Hinojos
born January 13, 1958 in Odessa, Texas |
5. Ernesto C. Hinojos
born May 29, 1958 in Odessa, Texas |
6. Jesus C. Hinojos (son)
born May 21, 1962 in Odessa, Texas |
7. Guadalupe (daughter)
born June 14, 1964 in Odessa, Texas |
8. Samuel C. Hinojos
born February 5, 1967 in Odessa, Texas |
9. Diaelva H. Benefield
born September 19, 1973 in Odessa, Texas |
Their Story:
They lived in Brewster County for several years, then moved to Odessa. Guillerma was still living in Odessa in October 2008.
They lived in Brewster County for several years, then moved to Odessa. Guillerma was still living in Odessa in October 2008.
The house in Lajitas where Guillerma Chacón Hinojos was born.
The information for this page came from Bob Wirt's site Life Before the Ruins and from information from Diaelva Hinojos Benefield. Photos from the family; photos of Guillerma's birthplace from Oscar Hinojos.