José Ybarra
Cleofas Márquez
born 30 August 1879 in Texas Died 12 February 1956 at 76 years of age from heart failure her parents were Fernando Márquez and Adelaida Ornelas both born in Mexico |
José Ybarra married Cleofas Márquez
Their children:
1. Marcial
died 1921 in La Coyota, TX |
3. Juan
born 1904 died at age 21 |
4. José
born 1907 |
5. Manuel
born 1910 |
6. Atanacio (Nacho) born 2 May 1913
7. Natividad
born 25 Dec 1915 |
8. Trinidad "Trine"
born 1918 died 1934 | L Silvas Ruperto Chavarria Jose Ybarra
The information on this page comes from family members and from the Bob Wirt's 10/23/2009 posts on the Chavarría Discussion page. On June 21, 2012 we added the nickname "Cotila" to Juan's wife Cleotilde based on information provided by family member Connie Ybarra Mendoza.
On Dec 18, 2018 Antonio S Franco added information on Cleofas Márquez from the site. Some of this data was added to FamiySearch by
On Dec 18, 2018 Antonio S Franco added information on Cleofas Márquez from the site. Some of this data was added to FamiySearch by