Acosta Family Tree
Earliest Known Ancestor
Juan Francisco de Acosta 1695
Juan Francisco de Acosta 1695
Click image below to enlarge Acosta Ancestors |
Shortcuts to early (1695 - 1898) Acosta Ancestors Note: There are some key families that have many descendants in the Big Bend area even if their family names today don't immediately reflect this. The Acosta family is one of these. Many people that lived the Terlingua area with many different last names descend from families like Acosta, Baeza, Chavarría, Lugo, Luján, Molinar, Terrazas, and others.
For this reason I feel it is right to post the list seen here on the left of this even though it is raw data that needs more research. There are duplicates and misspellings et cetera that need to be researched further and resolved. To see it, click on it twice. First click and it puts the list in its own tab. Then click on it in the tab to enlarge it so you can read it more easily. I cannot do it all. So I publish it as raw data so that it might help someone researching his family to find they are an Acosta descendant. Also, if any family member or other interested party wants to research and resolve the issues they can help us all. Thanks, Antonio Santiago Franco December 29, 2022 |
To find out if you are related to Crisanto Acosta as many Big Bend area families are:
1. Click this link to go to Crisanto Acosta's page in If you are not a member of you can register to become a member in a few seconds. There is no charge.
2. Then click on "View Relationship."
1. Click this link to go to Crisanto Acosta's page in If you are not a member of you can register to become a member in a few seconds. There is no charge.
2. Then click on "View Relationship."

3. If it doesn't show you're related to Crisanto try "View Tree and then click "View Relationship" higher up on the tree.
Click on the Acosta Six Generations family tree to enlarge it.
Terlingua families that descend from Juan Francisco Acosta born in 1695:
Alvarados, Baezas, Dominguez, Hinojos, and Olivas (there may be others).
Alvarados, Baezas, Dominguez, Hinojos, and Olivas (there may be others).
Crisanto Acosta's daughter Dorotéa Carnero married Marcelo Domínguez;
their children include the following Terlingua families:
1) Pomposa married Luis Baeza - some of the Terlingua Baezas including Josefa Baeza Valenzuela;
2) Patricio married Herlinda Olivas - the Terlingua Acosta and Olivas families;
3) Josefa married Teofilo Alvarado; their daughter Severiana Alvarado married Macario Hinojos - the Hinojos and Alvarado Terlingua families also descend from Crisanto Acosta.
their children include the following Terlingua families:
1) Pomposa married Luis Baeza - some of the Terlingua Baezas including Josefa Baeza Valenzuela;
2) Patricio married Herlinda Olivas - the Terlingua Acosta and Olivas families;
3) Josefa married Teofilo Alvarado; their daughter Severiana Alvarado married Macario Hinojos - the Hinojos and Alvarado Terlingua families also descend from Crisanto Acosta.
Research Notes:
Vanessa wrote to FdT probably in 2014:
"I started my family history research without any experience in 2009/2010. Since then, I have been overwhelmed with never ending information, but none of it came easy. Some days, I stayed up until 4am because of the joy I got from finding new information. The biggest breakthroughs came from Amalia Adelina Ochoa's research,, and websites including Life Before The Ruins, Prima Elisa's Blog, and Familia's de Terlingua.
One of the main differences from the information on Life Before the Ruins is the "first" ancestor. It is written as Francisco Acosta, which may very well be the correct name, however on, I found sources that say his name was Pedro de Acosta. Most of my information on the Terlingua Acosta's was learned on Life Before The Ruins and sourced on
Cleofas Acosta, my great-great grandfather, is buried in the Terlingua Cemetery (" Vanessa López
"I started my family history research without any experience in 2009/2010. Since then, I have been overwhelmed with never ending information, but none of it came easy. Some days, I stayed up until 4am because of the joy I got from finding new information. The biggest breakthroughs came from Amalia Adelina Ochoa's research,, and websites including Life Before The Ruins, Prima Elisa's Blog, and Familia's de Terlingua.
One of the main differences from the information on Life Before the Ruins is the "first" ancestor. It is written as Francisco Acosta, which may very well be the correct name, however on, I found sources that say his name was Pedro de Acosta. Most of my information on the Terlingua Acosta's was learned on Life Before The Ruins and sourced on
Cleofas Acosta, my great-great grandfather, is buried in the Terlingua Cemetery (" Vanessa López
Working notes
Page created Nov 3, 2019
Updated May 25, 2020.
Page updated May 20, 2021.
Page last updated December 29, 2022 with Acosta full descendancy list.
Updated May 25, 2020.
Page updated May 20, 2021.
Page last updated December 29, 2022 with Acosta full descendancy list.